The best way is to state in the police report that the bike was locked before it was stolen. Also be sure to attach a photo of the lock key to your report to CYCLE.

Unfortunately, the insurance coverage only applies to cases where the stolen bikes were locked with an AXA lock of at least level 6.

From the moment the bikes are delivered, they are under the customer's control. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure their proper use and also to take the necessary precautions to avoid loss or theft. In the event that a bike is stolen, it must be reported to the authorities within 24 hours and to CYCLE within 72 hours of discovery.

Yes, all CYCLE bikes that are part of the fleet rented by our customers are insured against theft since they are delivered.

Insurance only covers bikes when the occurrence is an offense under §243 StGB

This will depend on the model of bike rented. CYCLE has set a penalty fee with each customer based on the model that is part of its fleet.

The customer must report the theft to the police department in their jurisdiction within 24 hours of discovery or occurrence. A physical or online police report certificate is completely valid. Just make sure it contains the following information:

  • The Bike ID and/or frame Number

  • Time, date and location of the theft

  • It must contain either a statement that the bicycle was locked or an indication that it is an offense under §243 StGB .


"Bescheinigung über die Erstattung einer Anzeige"

This document is the most suitable for the insurance company. The most important to be included is the statement that the offense is a particularly serious case of theft (§243 StGB). This law confirms that the bike was locked during the theft. This document can be issued by the police throughout Germany.



You can file you you police report online. The online report allows you to add all necessary information.



You can file you police report at the police station. Please add in your statement, that the bike was locked and the bike ID/serial number.

Unfortunately, the case will be declared as "not eligible for claiming". The customer will have the opportunity to amend the report at the police department where the report was filed within 3 business days. If the report is not updated within this time frame, the case will be declared as "rejected" and will be closed, and the corresponding penalty will be charged.

CYCLE charges a penalty that has nothing to do with the bike's market value. This penalty applies to the bike that could not be covered by the insurance as a result of an erroneous or improperly made report, or in cases where the bike was not locked, the latter being an indispensable requirement for the policy to be applicable .

The insurance company reserves the right to reject claims that are made outside of this time frame. In other words, CYCLE cannot guarantee that the stolen bike will be covered by the insurance even if the report is correct. Therefore, CYCLE strongly recommends that customers make a report to the authorities as soon as possible.

In cases where the report is properly made, the insurance claim should not take more than 48 business hours to be processed by the CYCLE team. Thereafter, it will be up to the insurance company to respond to the claim.

The insurance policy only covers the bike and its battery. The battery as a single item cannot be claimed on the insurance. In these cases, the loss must be reported through our Fleet WebApp to be replaced. A penalty will be charged in this case.

As per contract, all reported bikes are eligible for replacement. Upon processing the case, CYCLE will request confirmation to replace the stolen bike with a fully operational bike. If confirmed, CYCLE has one month as per contract to make the replacement, however we try to make it as soon as possible according to availability. A replacement fee will be charged.